The Best Office Plants To Keep You Company

A peaceful and tranquil environment is an essential part of a workplace, and plants are an amazing way to emphasize this. They add organic character to the otherwise drab decor of an office. Indoor plants also help in keeping the air quality around the workspace purer and fresher while removing impurities from the air, adding a pop of greenery, and enhancing your workplace experience. The more relaxed and refreshed your employees are, the better their productivity, and consequently the organization’s profits will be. At Max Towers and Max House, we take these ideas seriously, and this reflects in our attention to biophilia, and our desire to share the best office plants to keep you company, in this post.

Without natural elements like plants and natural lighting in a workspace, the environment would appear stark and dreary, instead of seeming inviting, fresh and tranquil. You should be careful while selecting plants best suited for your office environment, choosing ones that are low maintenance while matching the floor plans and design and complementing the overall décor of the office.

It’s important to choose non-toxic plants that have little chance of inadvertently triggering allergies as well. Some plants that thrive with little natural light, are low maintenance, and which can thrive in warm environments have been curated into the list below:

Devil’s Ivy

This is a type of evergreen vine. Having large and sometimes heart-shaped white-splotched leaves, they come in a wide variety of light and dark colors. It can flourish in various office conditions, from withstanding low natural light availability to being in direct sunlight. They are easy to care for and make a great addition to your desk, table, or shelf. The larger ones can be trained around a pole or cane, and they also look lovely on big pots kept on the floor.

Neon Pothos

These are one of those hanging plants which don’t utilize any floor or desk space and can be cared for by hanging them even in small spaces. They bring a pop of bright green into the workplace environment by just being in their hanging baskets. It handles low to medium light levels and only requires watering once a week. They can be hung in corners or above furniture or by the window to brighten up the whole office environment.

Weeping Fig

This versatile plant looks beautiful, be it stand-alone or as a part of a mixed display. Its scientific name is Ficus Benjamina and it grows naturally in the wild in Indian tropical forests, Southeastern Asia, and parts of Northern Australia. It derives its name from an Indian acme called ‘Ben-ja’. The younger plants are generally developed from seeds lodged in branches of another tree which in time produces aerial roots reaching down to the ground. It can be harmed due to cold drafts, so ensure they are kept in a slightly warmer place where wind chills won’t be an issue.

Snake plants

These plants have leaves that can grow quite tall and have bands of bright yellow-green on the outside. They remain healthy even in low-light places ensuring that the employees working in dimly-lit workplaces do not feel drab and gloomy. This plant is also referred to as the ‘mother-in-law’s tongue’ and can handle infrequent watering once a month and low natural light. Snake plants are known for releasing more oxygen than other plants during respiration at night which will ensure that your employees working overtime don’t feel light-headed or tired.


Ever since they were discovered back in the 1800s in South America, they have been among the most popular indoor plants. They have large, lush dark to light green, and sometimes even reddish or yellowish leaves. The leaves also have a glossy coating on them, visible even in the shade. These plants prefer low humidity and temperatures ranging from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. They are perfect for an office environment and can also be used as part of a larger display in the corners of the office.

The hypothesis given by E.O Wilson called ‘Biophilia’, states that humans have an innate tendency which seeks connection with nature and other forms of life. Although these plants would need adequate care and attention, the benefits far outweigh the costs in this case.
Taking this view forward and many other related concepts which ultimately enhance your office space, let Max Estates pick the right office space and enhance your work experience and environment.


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